day 3 - some studying

The weather was beautiful today, a holiday I spent with my daughter apart from this. Managed to eat properly. I’m writing a daily log of things I eat / exercise done / weight. Still lots to learn of ingredients that I need to incorporate, which ones I like and how to use them in proper meals.

Late after dinner I managed to read a good deal of The Complete Running and Marathon book. It goes over with enough detail on topics such as warm-ups and cool-downs, core exercise routines and detailing plans for objectives such as the marathon (has many other things, some of which I may read later, others will completely skip, sorry!). Captured the most relevant topics for further studying and drafted an 8 week marathon plan which I haven’t yet decided when to start, if at all.

There are loads of plans in books and online but I’m pretty sure that the only way I can pull this off is by grasping a bit of how the plans themselves are prepared because I will need to accommodate for my daughter’s weekly duties and other things such as occasional trips abroad.

Thinking of doing a longer run tomorrow afternoon and/or going over the warm-up and cool-down exercises in detail on field. Also, will be relevant to measure heart rate after rest this week to estimate my lower heart rate (according to the book, my higher heart rate is 220-age, that is, 182bpm). These 2 numbers are key to assess the effort in each exercise against the estimated interval.

It’s super late, must rest. Won’t measure HR tomorrow, I guess…


Now read this

day 9 - a calmer run

So, Tuesday I attempted to do another session near the river, this time in the company of Pedro. I still felt my right knee joint complain but I did the session anyway because I wanted to know how serious it is. It was light showers... Continue →