day 18 - smaller run

I wanted to run somehow this thursday and managed to squeeze a session before going to work. Since I didn’t have much time I did a smaller and faster route through Carnaxide. It was 16-18C. Went ok, not really pushing it I manage to run below 6min/km in a non-plain route. Though I felt the knee joint it didn’t impact me then.
Next running session will probably only happen on Monday as I can’t get a slot before that.

Booked an appointment for next tuesday to assess the knee issue. Not sure it will be productive as it’s not sports medicine professional but orthopedics. Anyway this will kick off the discussion - may ask for exams and/or suggest another person…


Now read this

starting point

These are the longer runs I did (I try to log everything as I love maps and Strava too): April 14, 2019 20 km da Marginal - Cascais-Oeiras-Lisboa (20km) May 6, 2018 Lisbon Eco Marathon (21km) February 11, 2018 Meia maratona de Cascais... Continue →