day 2 - first run

Yesterday I got a bit hungry. Must buy more stuff to complement my soups at dinner, for sure. After trying some healthy cookies without success, ate an apple drank water. I’m here.

Finally tried out the Pegasus. It was a 6 km run with average rhythm, nearby work (cidade universitária). The sneakers are lighter and the soles are reactive. For the first km I was noticing how the front of the shoe is slimmer than the Vomero but tuned out of it soon enough.
It was mildly warm, around 20ºC and light wind. When I was coming back to Sky it surely was warmer and the wind was gone.
It felt good!

Now I need to read some material and decide on a feasible plan for my weekly life. Probably I’ll start with 2 or 3 sessions a week. Shorter ones at lunch time and longer ones on less-impactful days (don’t want to come back to work to sleepwalk!).
I have some books on marathon running I briefly went over and the feature in Strava for training. Will try to mash up something and plan it out.

Noticing how my right knee joint gets a bit tired after the first kms. Must be weary of these and come up with some dedicated work on joints. Probably arrange a routine of outdoor exercises by myself, if I manage to do it, to interleave between formal training. I’m not eager to use the gym if I can avoid it.

Ate a chicken, couscous and mozzarella salad for lunch after the workout run. By now some people know of this thing, either because of me skipping coffees, eating bread with cereal and fresh cheese (morning) or carrying nuts and asking for fresh orange juice (in the afternoon).
Found out a colleague of mine will also attend this marathon, the guy right behind me, what are the odds?!


Now read this

the challenge

I’m now 38 years old and a bit overweight. I’ve been running for around 2 years. Started out running short distances around home by myself with old sneakers. Got into some 10K runs and occasionally run with my sister and other friends.... Continue →