day 22 - short run and a hint from fred

Went running during lunch time with my experienced colleague and ultra-marathoner Fred. Forgot to start recording with the clock until reaching Cidade Universitária so might have run an extra 1 km. As we were jogging I shared with him my intent to be seen about the knee and soon enough he suggested it was highly likely that I’m suffering from iliotibial band syndrome. I tried to run for 5 km with a solid pace and went reading about the matter.

The symptoms perfectly match mine and the reasons for it happening make sense to me so unlike what I profess everyone to do, went on finding a proper set of routines to strengthen my muscles and try to overcome this by myself. It doesn’t seem acute at all but it’s still there. Haven’t decided whether I’m completely suspending running for 2 weeks while doing this or have few short sessions still.


Now read this

day 3 - some studying

The weather was beautiful today, a holiday I spent with my daughter apart from this. Managed to eat properly. I’m writing a daily log of things I eat / exercise done / weight. Still lots to learn of ingredients that I need to... Continue →