day 9 - a calmer run

So, Tuesday I attempted to do another session near the river, this time in the company of Pedro. I still felt my right knee joint complain but I did the session anyway because I wanted to know how serious it is. It was light showers without wind. We kept a comfortable pace, talking the whole time. Felt my knee a lot during the first 500 meters and then it got to a manageable state. Since the pain didn’t exactly disappear, we shortened the session a bit. Still, I did run for 8 km the day after a rougher session where I had beat my personal 10 km record.

I can presume the 8 week plan I’ve been visiting slots to assess my fitness is still a bit too heavy to start right now. May do a generic, lighter and shorter, plan before starting the marathon-preparation one as I have time to do both and would be a less steep difficulty curve this way.

Wednesday I skipped training to let the joint recover. Today I’ll probably skip too as it’s raining a lot and I’ll be with my daughter this evening. We’ll see. :D


Now read this

day 13 - studying hill reps, tempo and interval runs

I’ve read/watched and studied these: hill repeats interval run and tempo run Following are some transcripts I did on the most relevant parts. on hill repeats # hill repeats (…) is all about building the muscles in your legs with... Continue →