Road to Athens

a healthier, more fit life?

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day 6 - a steeper run

My daughter had a party in the morning and it gave me a little break. Learned a bit about tempo runs, but delayed that one to later due to convenience - no flat routes near my house, it’s too hot and would be my first attempt therefore can take longer. Decided on revisiting routes I used to take around Linda-a-Velha and Carnaxide.
Since this last year I’ve been running mostly near the river I kinda forgot how these ones are steep. Done some dynamic warm-up exercises from the book. Did my lame cooldown static ones as I couldn’t yet remember any of those :P
If I feel apt, will do a session tomorrow afternoon, otherwise it will be on monday instead.

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day 3 - some studying

The weather was beautiful today, a holiday I spent with my daughter apart from this. Managed to eat properly. I’m writing a daily log of things I eat / exercise done / weight. Still lots to learn of ingredients that I need to incorporate, which ones I like and how to use them in proper meals.

Late after dinner I managed to read a good deal of The Complete Running and Marathon book. It goes over with enough detail on topics such as warm-ups and cool-downs, core exercise routines and detailing plans for objectives such as the marathon (has many other things, some of which I may read later, others will completely skip, sorry!). Captured the most relevant topics for further studying and drafted an 8 week marathon plan which I haven’t yet decided when to start, if at all.

There are loads of plans in books and online but I’m pretty sure that the only way I can pull this off is by grasping a...

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day 2 - first run

Yesterday I got a bit hungry. Must buy more stuff to complement my soups at dinner, for sure. After trying some healthy cookies without success, ate an apple drank water. I’m here.

Finally tried out the Pegasus. It was a 6 km run with average rhythm, nearby work (cidade universitária). The sneakers are lighter and the soles are reactive. For the first km I was noticing how the front of the shoe is slimmer than the Vomero but tuned out of it soon enough.
It was mildly warm, around 20ºC and light wind. When I was coming back to Sky it surely was warmer and the wind was gone.
It felt good!

Now I need to read some material and decide on a feasible plan for my weekly life. Probably I’ll start with 2 or 3 sessions a week. Shorter ones at lunch time and longer ones on less-impactful days (don’t want to come back to work to sleepwalk!).
I have some books on marathon running I briefly went over...

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day 1 - new sneakers and a diet

Strava has been complaining for some time that my Nike Air Zoom Vomero 12 shoes should have run more than 800 km now and I should buy new sneakers.

Yesterday I read some reviews on sneakers and today I got myself a pair of Nike Zoom Pegasus Turbo during lunch break.
Since I was there and chose a bowl with quinoa, mango, edamame and octopus and water as drink on Selfish, thought I mind as well start the diet today!

I made a good soup for both me and my daughter but also cooked spaghetti carbonara… for her alone. :P

Ecstatic to meet the road with the Pegasus. Will conduct an interview at lunch time, maybe I can still do a quick run afterwards…

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starting point

These are the longer runs I did (I try to log everything as I love maps and Strava too):

April 14, 2019
20 km da Marginal - Cascais-Oeiras-Lisboa (20km)

May 6, 2018
Lisbon Eco Marathon (21km)

February 11, 2018
Meia maratona de Cascais (21km)

January 28, 2018
Corrida do fim da Europa (17km)

September 17, 2017
Meia maratona do Porto (21km)

My rhythm is below 6 min/km but I was unable to do full 21 km without breaking - in this last race it was at km 17 that it happe ed and I had to walk. Must better grasp the effort zones and eat better before races.

My current weight is 81.7 kg and lately I’m running once per week tops and do no gym work of any kind. I don’t eat like a bear but I don’t skip pasta, rice, olives and delicatessen (which I like a lot), drink the occasionally beer or ice tea.

I’ll try to come up with a feasible diet with a bit less protein, less rice, more...

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the challenge

I’m now 38 years old and a bit overweight. I’ve been running for around 2 years. Started out running short distances around home by myself with old sneakers. Got into some 10K runs and occasionally run with my sister and other friends. Got myself a smart watch Polar M200 and a Strava account and evolved from there.

This last Christmas, my dad got my sister and I a brilliant gift: a trip to Greece to take part of a marathon run. My sister is 6 years older, have been running for much longer (7 years maybe), is slim and does gym too. She took part of 2 marathon runs before but isn’t running as often as me.
She has an iron will and was the first one to tell me “sure, you can do the marathon along with me, you can do it”. Some months passed, I had a bit of a scarce running period this winter and as we’re about 6 months from the deadline, November 10th.

This is my attempt to both lose a bit...

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